
The God Word

“The wording was, of course, quite optional so long as we expressed the idea, voicing it without reservation. This was only a beginning, though if honestly and humbly made, an effect, sometimes a very great one, was felt at once.” Alcoholics Anonymous, page 63.


The God Word: Agnostic and Atheist Members in A.A.


AA Literature


Online format


Read the Big Book online


Read the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions online


Read AA pamphlets online


 Read  AA’s Internet  Guidelines


Hard copies of books, pamphlets, workbooks

You can purchase the AA Big Book, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, Living Sober, and the Daily Reflections by contacting Bermuda Intergroup at or from the General Service Office here:


Alcoholics Anonymous : A.A. Literature ( Order AA literature


Order AA e-books


AA Grapevine: The International Journal of Alcoholics Anonymous website. 


The Grapevine was long known as “Our Meeting in Print” and can be accessed at”


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